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What Do Feminist Want When It Comes to Equality

Practice modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority?


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Do mod twenty-four hour period feminist really want Equality or Superiority?

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  • t-8900

    Superiority on the official level. Though I call up many feminists are lost and actually fall more into the 2d and early 3rd moving ridge. The ones in charge are the fourth wave Misandrist, female Supremecists. The #KillAllMen #MenAreObsolete #MenAreUseless oversupply runs the show. But I know a lot of women who hate them and more than are first to openly challenge them. Some women genuinely believe men have at it so hard for so long that they should enter the workforce so their partner doesn't take to carry the whole load. I used to non believe they were beingness sincere but I'm seeing that I may accept been wrong.

  • Browneye57

    Superiority over men. They detest them.

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  • OlderAndWiser

    No, they really want testicles.

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  • ODC2112

    The feminist story of equality is a Goebbels-style mantra. Echo a false thing many times and eventually someone will believe it.

    Feminism since its inception, is a misandric movement. If yous look at the feminist texts since the 19th century, they are a concentrate of pure misandry.

    I've never seen feminists wanting to exist the same as men, ever. Equality ways that first y'all take DUTIES, then you tin can think of EARNING the rights.

    If y'all desire to be equal to men, you must be treated by men, to be treated by men, you lot accept to give up the empathy that is given to women. If women were not treated every bit privileged from childhood, possibly they would understand what the world of men is similar.

    Feminists but want to have free benefits that some men have earned through work and cede. Because women have ever been given everything without the same efforts that men accept to make. A sort of continuous gratis riding.

    Feminists never ever ask for equality betwixt men and women, women must always have an advantage, always. Feminists are a supremacist movement no dissimilar from the Nazi party.

    I don't come across feminists who want to do men's jobs at all costs. It is non a trouble of prejudice. It is a problem of lack of supply. I have never seen these self-styled champions of equality try to practice stereotypically masculine jobs. To do most of the stereotypically masculine jobs, it is no longer necessary to have physical forcefulness; we are non in the nineteenth century, in that location are machines. Yet, women don't do certain jobs anyway and I don't see any feminists protesting the inequality. I don't run into any feminists protesting because there are only men in structure, mines, foundries, metalworking factories, just as I don't see feminists protesting because women are not forcibly conscripted into the army.

    The matter is much worse than looking for a superiority; it is the search for a ill superiority in which everything is due to them but considering they are women. Information technology seems the delirium of narcissists in love with themselves and hate everyone else.

    Like i Person

  • MCheetah

    Superiority. They literally already accept dozens more rights than men exercise, in every singe country in the Western world. Not to mention mainstream support from the White Business firm, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley.

    I really don't have the patience for people too idiotic and braindead to really do inquiry of what feminism ACTUALLY is and simply spout off the aforementioned old dumbass taglines about "equality" when feminism has literally NEVER been about that, in any of its four.5 waves, and continues to not be able that when men suffer 9 times more in society than whatever woman. Seriously; I have no respect for dumbasses who don't even know the basics of their own toxic ideology, yet will attempt to proselytize others into it, anyhow. You lot're both an idiot AND lazy.

    Feminists are awful horrible people, and they will never exist satisfied with anything yous give them, especially if it doesn't involve hurting men (or attractive looking women) in the process. I wish these horrible, miserable cunts would just go away already. Once feminists are gone, so volition the incels, and possibly nosotros can go back to loving ane another, again.Do modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority? Do modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority? Do modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority? Do modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority? Do modern day feminist really want Equality or Superiority?

    Like two People

  • Anonymous

    Feminism has literally never been about equality. It has always been virtually advancing women's interests. In the by that was okay because women were disadvantaged and oppressed, and then whatsoever progress for women's rights moved the needle in the right direction toward equality. But western women have not been disadvantaged or oppressed relative to men for a long time now, yet feminism nevertheless works under the assumptions that they are.

    Feminism is extremely gynocentric. It sees everything through a very female person-biased lens, which is certainly not equality. By definition, equality must consider both sides if an equation, and feminism clearly has never done that and never will.

    Bold feminism is the face of equality and fairness between women and men is like bold the mafia is the confront of fairness between criminals and police force abiding business owners. It never has been and never will be.

  • Shortman70

    Considering they feel entitled, it doesn't matter that most men think of them equally equals. Same as whites go lumped all together as racists. Things that were wrong but our generation did not have anything to exercise with, both sides. Don't exist the problem, exist the solution. You can't look this generation to completely give up what nosotros've earned for what has happened in the past, before our lives were close to being started.

  • genuinlysensitive

    All feminists not merely modern day feminists want supperiority, not equality, that is merely porpaganda. Feminism is a Neo-Marxist credo where men are identified as the "oppressors" and women the "oppressed." Men are pathologically demonized, and women pathologically put on a pedastal. If y'all actually read the works of top feminists like MacKinnon, they acknowledge it's all Neo-Marxism!

  • GlovewithLove

    Expect at all the insecure niggling boys worried about the girls pushing them out of their jobs and taking over lol

    If you deny others freedom, your freedoms will be denied.
    Thomas Jefferson.

    Disagree 2 People

    • genuinlysensitive

      Freedoms similar beingness denied a job or promotion because you don't have a pussy?

    • GlovewithLove


    • GlovewithLove

      Remind me to be careful not to step in the bull💩 effectually you lot

  • SnakeBoop

    bodily feminists is equality.
    Aforementioned with any group, endeavour not to let the "loudest" such as the feminiazis tinge the actual significant.

    Like Disagree v People

  • Ms_Vanderquack

    Do you mean actual feminists or feminizes calling themselves feminists? Because there is a large ass divergence.

    Disagree ii People

  • doopayo

    Neither. Intersectional feminists want freedom from the patriarchy

    Disagree 3 People


Source: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/social-relationships/q4619814-do-modern-day-feminist-really-want-equality-or-superiority

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